Friday, January 22, 2016

Unlocking All Achievements in Gears of War Ultimate Edition

 Below is a walk through on how to unlock all achievements in Gears of War: Ultimate Edition for the Xbox One-

Prison Breakout 10G Complete tutorial path on any difficulty [Offline or Online]
 [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related] 
Story related and can't be missed.

Welcome to Delta Squad 20G Story progression in Act 1 Chapter 1 (on any difficulty) [Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related] 
Story related and can't be missed.

Cole? As in Cole Train? 20G Story progression in Act 1 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

Yeah, yeah, Group Hug 20G Story progression in Act 1 Chapter 7 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

My Love for You Is Like a Truck 20G Story progression in Act 1 Chapter 8 (on any difficulty)
 [Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

No More Favors 20G Story progression in Act 2 Chapter 2 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

Lights, Action! 20G Story progression in Act 2 Chapter 4 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]
Story related and can't be missed.

Taking Laverne for a Ride 20G Story progression in Act 2 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

The Biggest E-hole 20G Story progression in Act 2 Chapter 8 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

Smell Good Too... 20G Story progression in Act 3 Chapter 2 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]   
Story related and can't be missed.

Go Time, Show Time 20G Story progression in Act 3 Chapter 4 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

Broken Fingers 20G Story progression in Act 3 Chapter 5 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

Lethal Acoustics 20G Story progression in Act 3 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

I Can See You! 10G Spot 100 enemies ending in a kill in Versus (social or competitive)
[Multiplayer]   [Online

This achievement must be done in online multiplayer; you can't do this in local online versus play. You can 'spot' players by clicking while aiming at them. This allows your fellow teammates to see their whereabouts, because an icon will show above their head, for a short time. This feature was not implemented in the original Gears of War.

Spot enemy players and hope that spot results in kill by a teammate. It is recommended you use spots at choke points where multiple players congregate and shotguns are being used then spot as many enemy players as you can. You can only spot one enemy player at any given time.

Raven Down 20G Story progression in Act 4 Chapter 1 (on any difficulty) [
Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

Fry Up With a Side of Greens 20G Story progression in Act 4 Chapter 2 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

Know Place Like Home 20G Story progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

YEEEEHAAAAA! 20G Story progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]
Story related and can't be missed.

Power Up 20G Story progression in Act 5 Chapter 2
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

Marcus? Is That You? 20G Story progression in Act 5 Chapter 3 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

Shock Therapy 20G Story progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

All Aboard! Uh... We're Aboard! 20G Story progression in Act 5 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]  
Story related and can't be missed.

A Dish Best Served Cold 20G Story progression in Act 5 Chapter 8 (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]
Story related and can't be missed.

Mercenary 50G Complete all acts on Casual Difficulty
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]
Please reference "Commando" achievement description below.

Classic Mercenary 50G Complete all acts on Normal Difficulty
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]
Please reference "Commando" achievement description below.

Soldier 50G Complete all acts on Hardcore Difficulty
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]
Please reference "Commando" achievement description below.

Commando 75G Complete all acts on Insane Difficulty
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]   [Story-related]

You can actually start on Insane mode instead of having to unlock it. Complete all acts on Insane difficulty and the subsequent difficulty achievements will unlock as well; they all stack.

If for some reason you've missed an act, you can check which one in the 'Mission Select' section. There it will show the list of acts per chapter, you may notice an icon next to each act you've completed. The image below is basically what the Insane icon looks like.

Time to Remember 10G Recover 11 COG tags (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]
Please reference "For the Fallen" achievement description below.

Honor-Bound 20G Recover 22 COG tags (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]
Please reference "For the Fallen" achievement description below.

For the Fallen 30G Recover all 33 COG tags (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]

There were only 30 in the original Gears on the 360; but 3 have been added with the addition of the bonus campaign levels from the PC version of the game. There is generally one per act. Don't despair if you miss one in the process; you can go back via chapter select and collect it at any time. If you've missed one, you can track it in the War Journal, then Cog Tags menu. Once you open that, it will bring you to the comics. If you have pages missing from the comics, it should indicate what tag you've missed. Once you pick it up, it is automatically saved, so if you die or reload your checkpoint, your collection will still count.

Zen and the Art of Reloading 10G Perform 25 perfect active reloads (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]

You can reload your weapon with . As you do this, you'll see a line move across the reload icon in the upper right corner of the screen. There's an opaque white line in front, followed by a tapering, translucent line, usually about midway through the icon. The opaque line represents the perfect reload. You must then hit again in this section to activate it. This gives you bonus damage to the amount of bullets you've reloaded for a short time. You should easily have this done within the first couple acts.

Zen and the Art Part 2 20G Perform 5 perfect active reloads in a row (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]

Do the same as above, just do it 5 times in a row. Some weapons are easier to do, like the Lancer or Hammerburst. Pistols are very quick to reload and could prove difficult to newer players. You can do this right at the beginning of the game if you wish; just fire a few bullets and reload with . You'll get the hang of it eventually.

Clusterluck 30G Kill 3 enemies at once 10 different times (on any difficulty)
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]

You probably won't achieve this during casual play, so you'll have to do a little grinding for it, but it's not that difficult to do. Grenades, Boomshot, and the Hammer of Dawn will make this easier if you get clusters of enemies.

You can do this as early as Chapter 1, Act 1, which is the tutorial level. When the Grubs are plasma cutting through the door, wait until the door drops and three Grubs will enter the room. Toss a grenade at their feet and hopefully blow them all up at once; then rinse and repeat.

Dom-curious 10G Complete 1 co-op chapter in co-op (on any difficulty)
[Co-op]   [Offline or Online]
Please reference "I can't quit you Dom" achievement description below.

Domination 20G Complete 10 different chapters in co-op (on any difficulty)
[Co-op]   [Offline or Online]
Please reference "I can't quit you Dom" achievement description below.

I Can't Quit You Dom 30G Complete all acts in co-op (on any difficulty)
[Co-op]   [Offline or Online]

You must complete all 36 acts either in local or online co-op. This can be done two different ways. First, you can play local split-screen co-op with two controllers. Second, you can utilize the online campaign feature and play with random people

Don't You Die On Me 20G Revive 100 teammates in Versus multiplayer (social or competitive) [Multiplayer]   [Online]

Self explanatory- when a teammate gets downed during battle, walk over to them and press (x). Do this 100 times. Does not have to be done in one game.

Always Remember Your First 20G Finish playing a Versus match (social or competitive)
[Multiplayer]   [Online]

Unlocks after completing your first online match.

Don't Hate the Player 10G Finish with the highest point in a Versus match (social or competitive) [Multiplayer]   [Online]

This could prove to be difficult for some. You gain points for kills, executions, revives, assists, spots that result in kills and capture points. You must have the highest total out of both teams, not just your team. You can even get the highest point total and be on the losing team. Just do your best and you'll get it eventually.

Mix It Up 20G Win a match in every Versus game type (social or competitive)
[Multiplayer]   [Online]

Play and win a match of the following five game types:

    Team Deathmatch
    King of the Hill (KotH)

Around the World 30G Win a match in every Versus map (social or competitive)
[Multiplayer]   [Online]  

You must win one match of any game type on the following 20 maps. This can't be done in private matches!

    Bullet Marsh
    Fuel Depot
    Gold Rush
    Old Bones
    Raven Down
    Tryo Station
    War Machine

Can't Touch Me 20G Win 10 Versus matches without losing a round (social or competitive)
[Multiplayer]   [Online] 

It is recommended that you play the KotH (King of the Hill) or Blitz game types as there is only one round to complete. So in reality, you can't lose a round even if you wanted to. Obviously you can do this in any game type if your team is good enough. This can't be done in private matches!

Seriously...50G Kill 10,000 people in Versus competitive matches
[Multiplayer]   [Online]

Seriously kill lots and lots of people... seriously. This can only be done in Competitive matches! Playing KotH is a surefire way to rack up lots of kills as there is no kill limit, just a score. The boosting method would consist of two players with two controllers playing the 2v2 Gnasher execution matches; choose a region that is not your own and search at the same time and hopefully you find each other.

THIS! IS! ANNEX! 40G Complete 100 matches 3+ rounds in Annex on Xbox Live and capture 3 objectives in each match
 [Multiplayer]   [Online]

You just have to complete 100 matches (not win); but you must capture at least three 'rings' during the match. Since this Annex achievement can now be done via Koth and Blitz gametypes (which are only one round) you have to be on point with ring captures. Annex is very similar to the King of the Hill gametype. In Annex the rings always spawn at a weapon spawn point.

Easy way: Using a second controller logged in as guest, you can create an Xbox Live, private Blitz match. Have the settings at one round, 180 second win timer. It's you verse your bot. So just cap the points and win with ease. This can be done anywhere, but use a smaller map to make things go quicker. Using this method, a one round match should take no longer than four minutes each.

If you don't have a second controller: You can play online in an Xbox Live private match with a second person and exchange wins. Or if the second person has a second controller, you can both be on the winning team against an idle bot.

This can now be done in social or competitive matches, as the achievement description does not specify. So jump into your favorite ring-based game type and blast away. Remember, you must cap at least three rings during the match or it will not count!

Nub Pwn3r 30G Win 20 rounds in Annex on Xbox Live by shutting out the opposing team
[Multiplayer]   [Online]

You must shut out the opposing team during any given round. With this being added to public matches; the Koth and Blitz game types are only one round. So you must blank the opposing team for the entire match. In Annex the rings always spawn at a weapon spawn point.
If you don't have a second controller: You can play online in an Xbox Live private match with a second person and exchange wins. Or if the second person has a second controller, you can both be on the winning team against an idle bot.

This can be done in social or competitive matches, as the achievement description does not specify. So jump into your favorite ring-based game type and blast away. Remember, you can't allow the opposing team to score a single point or it will not count!

CQC 20G Win 25 matches in Boxes (social or competitive)
[Multiplayer]   [Online]

CQC = Close Quarters Combat. Boxes is basically the War Machine map with a re-skin and the sides cut off. It is a small map which is only used for the 2v2 Gnasher Execution gametype. Though my understanding is that 2v2 Gnasher Execution is only available in the competitive playlist. I've yet to come across it in the social playlist.

Level 5 5G Reach level 5
[Multiplayer]   [Online]  
 Please reference "Re-up" achievement description below.

Level 10 10G Reach level 10
[Multiplayer]   [Online]  
Please reference "Re-up" achievement description below.

Level 25 25G Reached level 25
[Multiplayer]   [Online]
Please reference "Re-up" achievement description below.

Re-up 20G Reach level 100 and re-up
[Multiplayer]   [Online]

You can only gain experience in versus online game modes. You can gain experience in Xbox Live private matches; but it's minimal at best and not a sustainable source of XP. You will gain experience for everything you do; but it mostly boils down to kills, wins and the consecutive match bonus. Without a doubt, this will take some time to accomplish.

Once you reach level 100, which requires you earn 3,851,750 experience, you'll have to visit the Statistics page to 're-up'. Once there, press to re-up; the game will ask if you're sure, then press to confirm. You'll revert back to level 1 and net yourself the achievement. If you're a Gears 3 veteran, you know all about re-upping; for those that don't.. think of it as a prestige.

Handyman 25G Killed an enemy with every weapon in Versus (social or competitive)
[Multiplayer]   [Online]

Just get one kill with each weapon in the game. There are 10 weapons total, and if you're bad at certain weapons, you'll eventually get a kill with one by blind dumb luck. Besides your starting weapons, the rest of the weapons are spawned on the map that you must get. Sometimes other players are doing the same, so get there first, or try to take turns.

Make sure that you actually get the kill.. a person downing an enemy and you shooting them will only count as an assist. You can down an enemy with one weapon and kill them with another if you wish.

Press (Tac/Com) while in a multiplayer match and it will show the weapon spawns on the map.

Starting Weapons:

Gnasher Shotgun
Snub Pistol

Map Weapons:

Boltok Pistol
Longshot Rifle
Torque Bow
Hammer of Dawn
Frag Grenade

G-reader 10G Read one full comic
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]

To unlock a full comic, you must collect Cog Tags to unlock the pages. There are five total comics that you can read, but you only need to read one of them. Once you have unlocked a full comic you can view it in the 'Extras' menu and select the comic you wish to read. You can then scroll through the comic using the to the end and the achievement should unlock. If it does not, utilize the zoom function with and slowly 'read' each page.

This can be a little glitchy for some reason. I had to 'read' a comic a few times slowly to get it to unlock. Some have reported that coming back the next day and reading the same comic has resulted in the achievement.

Brothers To The End 10G Defeat General RAAM in co-op on Insane without either player being DBNO [Co-op]   [Difficulty]   [Offline or Online]

This will probably prove to be the most difficult campaign achievement. You can do this in local or online co-op. You must defeat RAAM without either playing being downed on the Insane difficulty. As the most common strategy goes, one player uses the Torque Bow while the other snipes with perfect active reload head shots. The exploding arrows disperse the Kryll around RAAM leaving him vulnerable to fire; lay into him with head shots.

Optional: your teammate can switch to a primary weapon, like a Lancer, and put some extra damage on him in between Torque Bow shots. As he moves closer, use grenades and pump him full of lead! Should you fail, just reload the last checkpoint and try again.

Gimme Some Skin 10G Play one Versus Match with a Custom Weapon Skin
[Multiplayer]   [Online] 

This can be done locally with two controllers or simply by playing online in any versus match. Once the gametype and map are set, the game will go to a loading screen and then you'll reach the Loadout Screen. Here you can choose your character and weapon skins. Scroll down to the weapon you wish to change and hit or . If you currently don't have any skins, you will earn the Gold skins after September 4th just for playing the game from launch to the end of August. You also have the option to buy skins in the Xbox Store; but you're not obligated to do so.

If you do not have any skins at all; you didn't play beta, didn't play it during launch week or didn't get a special edition game... you can still earn a skin when backwards compatibility comes to the Xbox One. All four Gears games will be backwards compatible at that time. Just earning one achievement on either Gears 1, 2 or 3 will earn you the Crimson Omen skin in the Ultimate Edition. Just play it on the same gamertag.

Better Late Than Never 20G Win 25 matches in Team Deathmatch
[Multiplayer]   [Online]

Play and win 25 matches of Team Deathmatch. Team Deathmatch pits 4v4 with a finite amount of lives. In social or competitive matches the number of lives is 10. Once a team exhausts their 10 'extra lives' they will be down to their last spawns. So the team to bring that number to zero, and kills the remaining players on the map, wins. This will come eventually if you put in enough time and effort. You can complete this in Social or Competitive matches; or a mixture of both.

Even though the achievement description does not say specifically "social or competitive", this can NOT be done in private matches; it's been tested.

Whack-A-Grub 10G Closed all 4 E-holes around the fountain in Fish in a Barrel without any Locust fully emerging
[Offline or Online]   [Solo or Co-op]

This must be done in Chapter 1, Act 3. After you find some of Alpha Squad, you'll move down the street while fighting through some Locust. You'll then come to a low, circular structure with a tall monument in the middle. Once you are in the area, you'll be ambushed by Locust emergence holes; there are four total that you must close before any Locust can crawl out. The first three e-holes are in random order, the fourth is always in the same spot. To make life easier, you can do this on Casual difficulty; you can even do it while playing co-op.


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